How does paternalistic style leadership relate to team cohesiveness in soccer coaching?

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Chao-Chien Chen
Cite this article:  Chen, C.-C. (2013). How does paternalistic style leadership relate to team cohesiveness in soccer coaching?. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 41(1), 83-94.

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I examined the relationship between a soccer coach using a paternalistic style of leadership and the cohesiveness of the team. I found that the biggest group of soccer players in higher education in Taiwan are male, approximately 19 years old, forward players, and interested in participating in Division 1 of the University Soccer League. These players trained with a coach for 2 to 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. Team performance differed under a soccer coach according to whether the paternalistic leadership style was benevolent, virtuous, or authoritarian. There was a significant correlation between soccer coaches who had a paternalistic style of leadership and team cohesiveness.

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